Wednesday, December 2, 2009

0910 Parametric Modeling Applied

Here is an example of applied parametric modeling we have developed for the project in East Africa. The intent is to create spatial solution which would be able to grow and adapt according to the changing need; or according to varied conditions at different locations. Notionally, if more and more modules were to be added, such configuration could grow infinitely but always confined the circular matrix, defined by three differently sized courtyards. More about the project at

Saturday, November 21, 2009

0910M4_[WS]_Parametric Workshop

Selected projects are the end result of the exercise started with the Rhino tutorial earlier this semester. From then on we have gradually developed formal strategies around primal architectural reasoning. Parametric modeling tools were exploited for the development of structural, organizational and geometric logic.
Selektovani projekti su proizvod radionice koja je krenula od obuke u Rhinu na pocetku semestra. Od tada smo postepeno razvijali formalne strategije prema osnovnim arhitektonskim rezonima. Parametarsko modelovanje je upotrebljeno kao alat za razvoj strukturalne, organizacione ili geometrijske logike.
Jelena Milic

Tijana Jovanovic
Ljiljana Vidovic
Jovana Grujevska
Nikola Todorovic
Andriana Vukovic

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

0910 Winter Term Student List

Graduate Programme, Modul M4 Studio, 22 credits Instructors: Djordje Stojanović, Milutin Cerović

students: Andrić Jagoda, Bajčeta Ivana, Vidović Ljiljana, Vujović Milica, Vuković Andrijana, Ginić Aleksandra, Grujevska Jovana, Drašković Nataša, Đak Saša, Ivanović Vesna, Jovanović Tijana, Milić Jelena, Mitrović Filip, Todorović Nikola, Todosijević Bojan, Crnobrnja Nemanja, Šarac Marija, Šarić Nataša

Sunday, October 25, 2009

0910 Rhino Training

As an integral part to M4 Graduate Design Studio Course 2009/10 - week of Rhino and Grasshopper training begins 26-10-09, 12h, room 217 with Mirjana Devetakovic, Milana Dabic, Ivana Petrusevski

Rhino Modeling tools for designers

Grasshopper is a graphical algorithm editor tightly integrated with Rhino’s 3-D modeling tools Also very usefull is The Grasshopper Primer,150-page manual to help people get a basic understanding of Grasshopper by Andy Payne,

0910 ETH students at WellnessSky Belgrade

On Friday, October 25th, a group of students form ETH Zurich with professor Felix Claus have visited WellnessSky.

Monday, October 19, 2009

0910 DR The Water Pavillion

[e]The Water pavilion is an open air public space, located exactly above the water surface. Steel structure is rooted in the river bed, and connected with the existing river bank by the pedestrian bridges. Cascading floor layout is planed for easy access to different size boats and varied water-levels. During the summer period, pavilion functions as a public beach, where cascading surface enables direct contact with the water. The Water Pavilion is conceived as an initial intervention within the future transformation of the Port of Belgrade. With minimal changes of the existing surroundings, and contrasting the industrial ambiance, pavilion is conceived as a new land-mark. Different activities will unfold in the pavilion to attract the visitors and simultaneously promote the whole district.

[s] Paviljon na vodi je projekat otvorenog nadkrivenog javnog prostora. Visenamenski prostor cini fleksibilna celicna struktura oslonjena na recno dno, povezana pesackim pasarelama sa postojecim nasipima. Kaskadirajucim povrsinama u parteru, odgovara se na problem direktnog pristupa recnim plovilima razlicite velicine, tokom razlicitih vodostaja. U toku letnjeg perioda, paviljon bi funkcionisao kao urbana plaza, gde kaskade omogucuju neposredan kontakt sa vodenom povsinom. Paviljon je koncipiran kao prva intervencija u predstojecoj transformaciji podrucja Luke Beograd. Minimalnim promenama postojeceg okruzenja, kontrasno se odvajajuci od industriskog ambijenta, paviljon je zamisljen kao novi prostorni reper. Razlicitim aktivnostima koje bi se odvijale na njemu podstakao bi se protok ljudi i samim tim promocija celog podrucja.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

0910 Parametric Prototypes

4of7 student work is featured at Parametric Prototypes : New Computational Paradigms in Architecture, International Exhibition, Conference & Workshop in Xi’an, China, October 2009. Curatorial Team: Minfei Jing, Yanchuan Liu, Qin Pang, Feng Xu, Tom Verebes, Honorary Curatorial Chairman. Event is organised by the University of Architecture & Technology, Xi’an, China.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

0809 Overview Publicaiton

Booklet, 136 pages, A5 format, contains text and selected material from all 08/09 courses M4, M5, M9.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

0809 AH Mutable Chandelier

Mutable chandelier is an item made of recycled paper tube material used widely. It is concieved as an adaptive object with the potential to change according to user requirements and needs (allowing for interaction between the user and the product). As a different configuration, it can be used as ceiling that can create walls, plant holders, sitting chairs, bottle shelf etc. Also it can be easily disassemble and combine in some other product of use. This is method, not a product, of bringing a life to home and making an iconic object for the mutable home use.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

0910 Studio Agenda

Far from Home...
Graduate Programme, modul M4 Studio, 22 credits Instructors: Djordje Stojanović, Milutin Cerović

It is not uncommon for architects to work far from home, whereby the ability to develop quick understanding of the alien environment will determine the rate of project’s success. This year Studio will look into the context of Rijeka, a coastal town belonging to the neighboring State of Croatia. We will be working at the peripheral site with the pronounced topography and intimate relationship with the surrounding nature. Presence of the large green zone and unspoiled views of the Adriatic Seа are two main assets to be considered in preparation of the design strategies. In addition, this site has unresolved relation to urban infrastructure and the ambition to develop its own identity. In reference only, current development strategy of the city envisages ‘transformation of the area into the mixed use zone with predominantly housing character’ with approximately 250 new residential units on site. Studio remains committed to generative design principles and will continue relentless investigation into the materiality and form. This year we will make one step further in developing the idea of architectural impermanency and versatile spatial organizations. Notions of the ‘sustainable’ and the ‘ecologic’ in design will be expanded form purely environmental considerations into the very organizational logic of space. Eclectic in their nature, our working methods are both analogue and digital; and will equip students with hands on knowledge and techniques of contemporary architectural practice.

Daleko od Kuće prim prev.
Neretko se događa da arhitekti rade na projektima u nepoznatom okruženju, gde njihova sposobnost da razviju brzo razumevanje date sredine ima presudan uticaj na ishod projekta. Ove godine Studio će se baviti kontekstom primorskog grada Rijeke, u susednoj državi Hrvatskoj. Odabrana lokacija je na periferiji grada, ima vrlo izraženu topografiju i nalazi se u neposrednom kontaktu sa priordnim okruženjem. Prisustvo značajne zelene površine i mogućnost neometanog pogleda na morski horizont su dve posebnosti lokacije na kojima je moguće sagraditi strategiju projekta. Takođe, u obzir treba uzeti da lokacija ima kompleksnu poziciju u postojećoj gradskoj infrastrukturi i ambiciju da uspostavi sopstveni identitet. Prema postojećem Generalnom Urbanističkom Planu predviđena je transformacija ove oblasti u višenamensku zonu sa dominantnim rezidencijalnim karakterom. Planirana je izgradnja oko 250 stambenih jedinica na samoj lokaciji. Studio ostaje privržen razvijanju generativne logike dizajna i nastavlja sa neograničenim istraživanjem fenomena materijalnosti i forme. Ove godine, napravićemo korak dalje u razumevanju arhitekture kroz ideju o adaptibilnoj prostornoj organizaciji, i to uvođenjem koncepta ‘održivosti’ ali ne isključivo u ekološkom smislu već u svom dubljem organizacionom značenju. Metod rada u Studiju je eklektički u svoj prirodi, podjednako se oslanja na digitalne i analogne operacije sa idejom da opremi studente sa konkretnim znanjem i tehnikama za rad u savremenoj arhitektonskoj praksi.

Monday, August 17, 2009

0809 VS Deep Public Space

e The existing skeleton is developed into the space organizing mechanism meant to operate in accordance with the gradual introduction of varied public uses. Multitude of circulation routes is formed according to the intricate web of way finding rules and orientation related matter. Proposed form is generated ambiguously, via growth strategy, offering itself as a platform to which further architectural strategy may be employed and then extended to the surrounding buildings.

s Postojeci konstruktivni skelet je osnova za novu prostornu organizaciju postepenog uvodjenja javnih namena. Veliki broj pesackih komunikacija je organizovan prema mogucnostima nalazenja adekvatne putanje i stalnog osecaja orijentacije u prostoru. Predlozena forma je abstraktna; zasnovana je na strategiji stalnog rasta i ima ulogu baze na kojoj je moguce razviti kompletnu arhitektonsku strategiju.

Monday, July 20, 2009

0809 MM String Puppet

e Suspended ceiling is the sole gesture planed to bring new life into the existing warehouse. Architectural intent is delivered from the interactive mechanism able to reconfigure itself according to evolving needs. The ceiling consists of elements with differing purpose, some are structural, while some are mobile and planed to be utilized differently across the interior. Differing in size, mobile components are grouped in clusters forming corresponding spaces with distinct characteristics. One such characteristic is the room height, for instance cafe area will be significantly lower then exhibition hall. Furthermore, mobile components are to be lowered to the ground level and deployed uniquely at different clusters to become furniture pieces (i.e. chair, lamp or display element). This way floor plane becomes the mirror image of the ceiling, populated with furniture pieces now missing form the above. In this protocol each user is entitled to make individual decision on how to use a mobile piece, making way for the sum of the individual decisions to leave key mark on the overall interior form.

s Celokupna revitalizacija čeone hale rešena je spuštenim plafonom. Plafon se sastoji od primarnih komponenti-nosača i sekundarnih-nameštaja. Zajedno, komponente čine sistem koji se menja i prilagođava potrebama i broju korisnika hale. Sekundarne komponente su pokretljive i promenljive, grupisane su u veće i manje klastere. Veličina zavisi od namene prostora ispod. Klasteri su spušteni na različite visine koje su uslovljene stepenom privatnosti prostora iznad kojeg su, npr. klaster iznad kafea je niži u odnosu na klaster iznad izložbenog prostora. Nameštaj se sa plafona spušta uz pomoć sajli, i sam ima mogućnost transformacije, npr. stolica se skuplja u lampu. Pod je negativ plafona- koliko je namestaja na podu toliko fali komponenti na plafonu. Korisnik samim privlačenjem stolice utiče na izgled hale.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

0809 PS - Diploma Project

e Project is conceived as easily accessible public space. Movement lines define spatial form, pedestrian circulation routes define position and shape of the plateaus where varied programs are located. Project contains cultural and commercial content and space for sport and recreation. Depending on season (summer or winter), there are scenarios where space of one content may get bigger on account of the other.

s Projekat je zamišljen kao lako dostupan javni prostor. Prostorna forma je dobijena iz linija kretanja koje formiraju glavne i sporedne komunikacije oko kojih se formiraju platoi. Na mestima formiranja platoa linije kretanja se granaju po vertikali i prave prostore za smeštanje određenih funkcija. Projekat sadrži kulturne i komercijalne sadržaje kao i prostor za sport i rekreaciju.U zavisnosti od sezone (leto ili zima), postoje scenariji po kojima se prostor jednog sadržaja može povećavati na račun drugog.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

0809 MC Adaptive Formations - Diploma Project

e Adaptive Formations explores the idea of spatial adaptability via rule based design methods. Architectural intent is based on the bottom-up process, defying usual pathway beginning with the masterplan and ending with the individual building design. Proposed design protocol prioritizes decisions at the local level, assesses their compatibility and generates complex spatial forms. In a gradual process, existing warehouses are being converted for multitude of uses revolving around knowledge related industries. Simultaneously, network of public spaces is formed in relation to varied occupancy scenarios with the aim to allow for interaction between permanent occupants and visitors. In the later stages of the project, such development pattern lends it self to further increase of the built density and evolution of high rise buildings on site.

s Projekat istražuje ideju prostorne prilagodljivosti kroz metodu pravilia. Ako razmišljamo o arhitektonskoj strategiji kao sistemu zasnovanom na bottom-up pravilima koncept arhitektonskog delovanja se menja, od master planiranja - niza odluka struktuiranih na osnovu razmere, do procesa u kome set lokalnih odluka međusobno reaguje i generiše urbanu kompleksnost. Nasleđena skladišta se postepeno adaptiraju za različite namene u oblasti poslovanja baziranog na znanju. Formira se mreža javnih prostora u zavisnosti od različitih scenarija korišćenja sa ciljem da se ostvari kontakt izmedju postojećih programa i posetilaca. Inicijalni organizacioni patern podržava rast i povećanje izgrađenosti, u kasnijim fazama projekta moguće je formiranje visokih objekata.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

0809 SP Crowd Control

e Taking into the account facts such as: proximity of the city center, plausible pedestrian routes and the river front location, it is easy to imagine that now vacant industrial warehouses forming Port of Belgrade could make the new centrality in area. This project aims to recycle industrial fabric by converting it according to various individual needs and patterns of collective behavior. The understanding of the communal aspect is based on the study of rules which could be translated into the design protocol. Any change of the input will result in the transformed output. With the change in use or if certain program is activated, such as exhibition, lecture, or concert; the adjustment in environment will follow. The interior is created from thin and movable partitions suspended form the existing concrete structure. If the number of users changes or certain activity intensifies, built environment will adapt accordingly.

s Uzevši u obzir izuzetn
o povoljan položaj u odnosu na centarlno gradsko jezgro, saobraćajne i pešačke pravce, kao i direktnu vezu sa rekom, čeona hala beogradske luke ima potencijal stvaranja novog centralnog mesta u životu grada. Projekat se bavi prilagođavanjem bivšeg industrijskog prostora uzimajući u obzir indivudulane potrebe njegovih korisnika ali i kolektivne oblike ponašanja. Razumevanje potreba mase je zasnovano na analitičkim pretpostavkama i nizu pravila čijom kombinacijom je stvoren protokol za genezu prostorne forme. Promenom ulaznih podataka dobijamo promene u konačnoj konfiguraciji prostora. Promenom namene ili aktivacijom potencijalnih sadržaja kao što su izložbe, predavanja, ili koncerti vrši se i adaptacija prostora. Materijalizacija enterijera je definisana površinskim elementima i pokretnim pregradnim panelima koji su sajlama okašeni za posotojeću betonsku konstrukciju. Oscilacije u broju korisnika i intezitetu aktivnisti tako imaju direktan uticaj na stvaranje odgovarjućeg prostornog rešenja.