As an integral part to M4 Graduate Design Studio Course 2009/10 - week of Rhino and Grasshopper training begins 26-10-09, 12h, room 217 with Mirjana Devetakovic, Milana Dabic, Ivana Petrusevski
Rhino Modeling tools for designers
Grasshopper is a graphical algorithm editor tightly integrated with Rhino’s 3-D modeling tools Also very usefull is The Grasshopper Primer,150-page manual to help people get a basic understanding of Grasshopper by Andy Payne,
Sunday, October 25, 2009
0910 ETH students at WellnessSky Belgrade
On Friday, October 25th, a group of students form ETH Zurich with professor Felix Claus have visited WellnessSky.
Monday, October 19, 2009
0910 DR The Water Pavillion
[e]The Water pavilion is an open air public space, located exactly above the water surface. Steel structure is rooted in the river bed, and connected with the existing river bank by the pedestrian bridges. Cascading floor layout is planed for easy access to different size boats and varied water-levels. During the summer period, pavilion functions as a public beach, where cascading surface enables direct contact with the water. The Water Pavilion is conceived as an initial intervention within the future transformation of the Port of Belgrade. With minimal changes of the existing surroundings, and contrasting the industrial ambiance, pavilion is conceived as a new land-mark. Different activities will unfold in the pavilion to attract the visitors and simultaneously promote the whole district.
[s] Paviljon na vodi je projekat otvorenog nadkrivenog javnog prostora. Visenamenski prostor cini fleksibilna celicna struktura oslonjena na recno dno, povezana pesackim pasarelama sa postojecim nasipima. Kaskadirajucim povrsinama u parteru, odgovara se na problem direktnog pristupa recnim plovilima razlicite velicine, tokom razlicitih vodostaja. U toku letnjeg perioda, paviljon bi funkcionisao kao urbana plaza, gde kaskade omogucuju neposredan kontakt sa vodenom povsinom. Paviljon je koncipiran kao prva intervencija u predstojecoj transformaciji podrucja Luke Beograd. Minimalnim promenama postojeceg okruzenja, kontrasno se odvajajuci od industriskog ambijenta, paviljon je zamisljen kao novi prostorni reper. Razlicitim aktivnostima koje bi se odvijale na njemu podstakao bi se protok ljudi i samim tim promocija celog podrucja.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
0910 Parametric Prototypes
4of7 student work is featured at Parametric Prototypes : New Computational Paradigms in Architecture, International Exhibition, Conference & Workshop in Xi’an, China, October 2009. Curatorial Team: Minfei Jing, Yanchuan Liu, Qin Pang, Feng Xu, Tom Verebes, Honorary Curatorial Chairman. Event is organised by the University of Architecture & Technology, Xi’an, China.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
0809 Overview Publicaiton
Booklet, 136 pages, A5 format, contains text and selected material from all 08/09 courses M4, M5, M9.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
0809 AH Mutable Chandelier
Mutable chandelier is an item made of recycled paper tube material used widely. It is concieved as an adaptive object with the potential to change according to user requirements and needs (allowing for interaction between the user and the product). As a different configuration, it can be used as ceiling that can create walls, plant holders, sitting chairs, bottle shelf etc. Also it can be easily disassemble and combine in some other product of use. This is method, not a product, of bringing a life to home and making an iconic object for the mutable home use.
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