Thursday, July 16, 2009

0809 MC Adaptive Formations - Diploma Project

e Adaptive Formations explores the idea of spatial adaptability via rule based design methods. Architectural intent is based on the bottom-up process, defying usual pathway beginning with the masterplan and ending with the individual building design. Proposed design protocol prioritizes decisions at the local level, assesses their compatibility and generates complex spatial forms. In a gradual process, existing warehouses are being converted for multitude of uses revolving around knowledge related industries. Simultaneously, network of public spaces is formed in relation to varied occupancy scenarios with the aim to allow for interaction between permanent occupants and visitors. In the later stages of the project, such development pattern lends it self to further increase of the built density and evolution of high rise buildings on site.

s Projekat istražuje ideju prostorne prilagodljivosti kroz metodu pravilia. Ako razmišljamo o arhitektonskoj strategiji kao sistemu zasnovanom na bottom-up pravilima koncept arhitektonskog delovanja se menja, od master planiranja - niza odluka struktuiranih na osnovu razmere, do procesa u kome set lokalnih odluka međusobno reaguje i generiše urbanu kompleksnost. Nasleđena skladišta se postepeno adaptiraju za različite namene u oblasti poslovanja baziranog na znanju. Formira se mreža javnih prostora u zavisnosti od različitih scenarija korišćenja sa ciljem da se ostvari kontakt izmedju postojećih programa i posetilaca. Inicijalni organizacioni patern podržava rast i povećanje izgrađenosti, u kasnijim fazama projekta moguće je formiranje visokih objekata.

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