The general idea of this work is to explore and propose use of L-systems as a new form of diagram research that would be applicable in the experimental architectural programs and practices. The survey is made in a light of L-systems as a form of technical, analytical and visual, architectural and theoretical thinking. Selected generic principle is assumed as a rule, method of functioning based on the initial set of parameters translated into an algorithm and guidelines for the spatial and programmatic architectural design and interaction within it. Parametric variations in geometry gained on the basis of the L-systems logic are shown through a sequence. Pre-defined rules are adopted and modified in order to obtain a final three- dimensional form. Spatial geometry is defined by the string, the distance between components, alterable angle and the number of iterations. Materialization is achieved by complex panel organized in the initial hexagon; more complex modules are established in the physical model of the resulting solution, with a possibility of changing the defined parameter on the model itself. _L-systems; Rhino; grasshopper; scripting

student: Stanislava Predojević, Graduate Programme, modul M8 elective course, Generic explorations 05. Instructors: prof. dr Ljiljana Petruševski, ass. dr Mirjana Devetaković, collaborator_Milana Dabić, Bojan Mitrović.
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