Wednesday, February 3, 2010

0910M4 LV

The information gathered to start the project comes from the two main aspects: topographic condition or steepness of the terrain and a visual presence of the sea. Design process, structured in the algorithmic way, begins with the formation of the polygonal mesh onto which subsequent data is transposed. In a series of steps, polygonal mesh lends itself to become an architectural form. Traffic ways are accommodate in a gradual transformation of the terrain. Key isolines are extruded to become front facades of the housing units with unobstructed views of the sea. Cascading nature of the form provides for the segregation between the private and communal spaces.

Informacije od kojih pocinje razmisljanje o projektu se svrstavaju u dva aspekta: topgrafskog stanja odnosno izrazenog pada terena i vizulenog prisustva morskog horizonta. Process projektovanja je struktuiran u obliku agloritma i pocinje formiranjem poligonalne mreze pomocu koje se u daljim koracima manipulise relevantnim informacijama. Kroz seriju deformacija, mreza postaje arhitektonska forma. Pravci kretanja nastaju prilagodjavanjem terena. Kljucne izohipse su pretvorene u fasade stambenih objekata koje su okrenute prema morskom horizontu. Kaskadirajuca forma omogucava segregaciju prostora na privatne i zajednicke segmente.

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